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Equi1st Pasture Mix



Equi1st is an ideal horse pasture mix containing the following varieties:


  • Atom Prairie grass / Brome grass (Bromus sp.) is a grass that is tolerant to drier
    conditions due to deep root system. Its sugar and starch concentrations average around
    10 to 15% in comparison to ryegrass at 30%+ and is highly palatable to the horse.
    Protein levels, as high as 12% are achieved at certain stages of its growth.

  • Serradella is a winter dominant, deep rooted annual legume which grows
    mainly during the Autumn, Winter and Spring months. Being a legume, it has good levels
    of protein, consistently low in sugars and starch, highly palatable to the horse, and
    provides nitrogen fixation to improve the soil quality.

  • Anywhere / Tower Tall Fescue. Fescue is another common horse pasture with reasonable (around 15%) sugar and starch levels, highly palatable for horses and provides an excellent warth of feed when required. Growing reasonably well in drier conditions, its deep root system does give it some resistance to the dry. Its main growing period is late spring/early summer.

  • Teff grass is naturally low in sugars through most of the growing season plus fair protein levels (around 9%), During the plant’s young, growing stage of growth it is a rather palatable feed. As it matures though and starts to dry off, both its palatability and nutrient value start to fall. While it is a very good horse feed it does, like most C4 tropical grasses, contain an amount of oxalate (the calcium binding compound). While the oxalate concentration isn’t large, it is still present. Therefore, it is important that Teff not be the only pasture species in the grazing paddock.

  • Callide / Finecut Rhodes grass are very resilient to drought and heavy traffic. Rhodes does most of its growing during later Spring/Summer before drying off. Rhodes grass retains very low concentrations of sugars in the leaves at most stages of growth. Coupled with good palatability and very low concentrations of oxalates, this makes Rhodes the ideal horse safe pasture species.

  • Cocksfoot is a perennial tufted grass that is best grazed before flowering, and no lower than 5cm to allow for regrowth. Cocksfoot is hardy, drought resistant with deep roots. Endophyte free, tolerant to pest attack but can suffer from rust until established.


Pricing for Equi1st mix:

$15 plus GST per kg if less than 25kg

$14 plus GST per kg for 25kg or more

$350 plus GST for a 25kg bag

Equi1st logo.png

With the horse's unique digestive system and 18 hours grazing time per day means that it is not physiologically designed to cope with high levels of sugar and proteins in their everyday diet, a horse needs lots of roughage and relative low sugar and starch with moderate protein in order to keep healthy and to reduce the chances of getting laminitis and ulcers.


Recommended pH Rate: 5.0+


Recommended Sowing Rate: 25 to 35 kgs/ha


Recommended Rainfall rate: 400mm+


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